Monday, October 27, 2008


"One." It defines the state of harmony that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; it expresses the goal of husband and wife; it is the command of our Lord, given to all those who would be His disciples, of how we should be with one another; and it is the desire of our Savior for the condition of our relationship with Him. It is the latter expression that is the theme of this work: If we are one with the Lord, then no matter the intensity of the storms that afflict us in life—and they will be intense at times—we will emerge with hearts intact and spirits buoyed and strengthened. We will, at length, come to know as the apostle Paul did, that “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.”

This painting was done for the Triannual International Art Competition sponsored by my church. In it--as in all my paintings--I hope to convey the gift of peace I feel from my Savior, Jesus Christ. (In this painting, the two trees are symbolic of the individual and the Savior.) The above paragraph is my description that accompanied its submission.

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Thursday, October 2, 2008


This is what recommends for me. In case you're unable to read the small print, they are: Victorinox Swiss Army Knife; Ty Uniqua Backyardigans Toy; Tuscan Elements (Interior Design) Book; and Victorinox Swiss Army Multitool. I'm reminded of the Sesame Street song One of These Things....

But I guess this really is a fairly accurate description of my life.