Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Conversations....

Conversation #1:

Sophie (beaming): "Hey Dad! Look--guess what I made!"

Dad (looking at the folded washcloth): "Well, it looks like a kite."

Sophie (still beaming): "Yes! And look what's inside!"

Dad (looking puzzled): "Um, a cookie?"

Sophie (throwing her hands up in the air): "YES!!! Because all kites have cookies in them!"

Conversation #2

Sophie (munching on an ice cream sandwich): "Dad, I like ice cream sandwiches--they're kinda like food."

Dad (trying to be humorous): "Yeah, only different."

Sophie (again holding her hand up by her face with index finger extended): "Hmm." (and then brightening) "Well! That can mean only one thing!" (End of conversation....)

(I wonder: What is that One Thing???)

I hope (I'm quite sure) that I'm not alone in these experiences. When the duties, distractions, and crises of the day begin to take their toll on your mental stability, there's nothing like this kind of little interaction to lighten the day and put a smile on your face!

1 comment:

Supergabesmomma said...

Oh, dear! I love that kid. It's not just the silly things she says, but also the decisiveness with which she says it! There's no arguing with her...