Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Conversations With A Three-Year-Old

So, here's a little interaction--verbatim--between Sophie and me:

Dad: "Sophie, why is the floor wet here?"

Sophie: "Oh, I'm sorry Dad, but I had a little accident."

Dad: "Why is the floor wet?"

Sophie (matter-of-factly): "Don't you know, water comes out of the sugar bowl."

Dad (thinking "Huh???"): "But you know you're not supposed to have water in your bedroom, don't you?"

Sophie: "Hmm. (Holding her hand up by her face with index finger extended) Speaking of jellyfish...."

At this point the conversation ends because I am no longer able to maintain composure.

Conversations like this are a daily occurence around here. I need to start writing them all down. Actually, recording them all with a little spy video camera attached to my ear would be even better; then I wouldn't have to convince people that they really happen.


ccbook said...

That's adorable, and hilarious! I'd probably bust up laughing myself. I'll bet it's difficult to discipline when you can't even keep a straight face. :)

MyLifeWithTrent said...

Absolutely hilarious! I'm with CC- how do you keep a straight face?!

Supergabesmomma said...

Oh, holy cow! That was awesome. She is so funny!